Family Concerts
In 2024, we introduce a new free Family Concert - a collaboration between our Bach & Brews musicians, our Emerging Artists, and the trailblazing youth choir, VocalEssence Singers of this Age (VESOTA).
Join us for an eclectic program that will feature comical staged music for vocal soloists and string quartet, as well as songs in collaboration between VESOTA, our Emerging Artists, and members of Bach Roots Festival.
This concert and the song texts are especially tailored for little people and the adults in their lives. Bring your curiosity and dancing shoes!
Saturday, June 22 11:00am - noon
Westwood Lutheran Church, St. Louis Park
Good Shepard Hall
This concert is free and no advance registration is necessary. We will be accepting donations in the form of cash, check, credit card, PayPal, or Venmo to offset our expenses
Bach Roots Festival String Quartet
Matthew Olson, Artistic Director
Bach Roots Festival Emerging Artists & Mentors
VocalEssence Singers of this Age (VESOTA)
(Phillip Shoultz, conductor)

- J.S. Bach Peasant Cantata (with text curated for younger ears)
- Songs selected from VESOTA's touring program
Is there a cost?
There is no cost. We will accept donations via check, cash, or Venmo to help offset our expenses.
May we bring food and beverages?
Please refrain from bringing food and beverages for this 60 minute performance
Is seating provided?
Yes, chairs are provided